Folder Slate Wise (.pdf)

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What is slate?

Click on the top rims to learn the details of each color.

What is slate?

Metamorphic rock, with fine and homogeneous graining, composed mainly of mica minerals (chlorite, sericite).

It originates from regional metamorphisms acting upon very fine sediments, composed mainly of clayey minerals.

Other minerals present in slate are: quartz of very fine grading, feldspar, carbonates as well as iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides..

Main Characteristics
Slate is characterized for its perfect cleavage, allowing for the formation of big slabs only a few millimeters thick, with a flat, continuous surface.

It has advantageous physical properties such as high mechanical resistance, average hardness, low porosity, constituent minerals resistant to the weather, thus its wide utilization as revetment in several areas of construction and architecture..

The slate produced by SLATE WISE is presented in the colors Black, Gray, Rust, Green and Wales.


Black Slate TILES Standard Sizes Standard widths (mm) Standard finishing*
15 x 30
20 x 20
20 x 30
20 x 40
30 x 30
30 x 60
40 x 40
40 x 60
25 x 50
50 x 50
60 x 60
60 x 90
90 x 90
06 to 10
10 to 15
20 to 30
Anti slippery
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Floors in general for indoor or outdoor areas
Wall revetment for indoor or outdoor areas
The anti slippery is recommended for ramps in general
(garages, gardens, etc.)
Aged finishing can be used for sidewalks, parking lots or
to give a bucolic touch to your project.

Black Slate SLABS Standard Sizes Standard finishing*
Length: 1,80 to 2,30m
Width: 1,00 m to 1,30 m

OBS: Other sizes are possible according to customer specifications
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Tabletops, sinks, countertops
Countertops for kitchens, laboratories and others
Partitions for bathrooms and others surroundings
Doorsills and Stairs Fireplace revetment


Gray Slate TILES Standard Sizes Standard widths (mm) Standard finishing*
15 x 30
20 x 20
20 x 30
20 x 40
30 x 30
30 x 60
40 x 40
40 x 60
25 x 50
50 x 50
60 x 60
06 to 10 mm
10 to 15 mm
1 cm
2 cm
2 to 3 cm
3 cm
Anti slippery
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Floors in general for indoor or outdoor areas
Wall revetment for indoor or outdoor areas
The anti slippery is recommended for ramps in general
(garages, gardens, etc.)
Aged finishing can be used for sidewalks, parking lots or to
give a bucolic touch to your project.

Gray Slate SLABS Standard Sizes Standard widths (mm) Standard finishing*
Length: 1,80 to 2,30m
Width: 1,00 m to 1,30 m

OBS: Other sizes are possible according to customer specifications
2 cm
2 to 3 cm
3 cm
3 to 4 cm
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Tabletops, sinks, countertops
Countertops for kitchens, laboratories and others
Partitions for bathrooms and others surroundings
Doorsills and Stairs
Fireplace revetment


Rust Slate TILES Standard Sizes Standard widths (mm) Standard finishing*
15 x 30
20 x 20
20 x 30
20 x 40
30 x 30
30 x 60
40 x 40
40 x 60
25 x 50
50 x 50
60 x 60
06 to 10
10 to 15
20 to 30

*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Floors in general for indoor or outdoor areas
Wall revetment for indoor or outdoor areas
Doorsills and Stairs
Fireplace revetment

Rust Slate SLABS Standard Sizes Standard finishing*
Length: 1,80 to 2,30m
Width: 1,00 m to 1,30 m

OBS: Other sizes are possible according to customer specifications
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Tabletops, sinks, countertops
Countertops for kitchens, laboratories and others
Partitions for bathrooms and others surroundings
Doorsills and Stairs
Fireplace revetment


Green Slate TILES Standard Sizes Standard widths (mm) Standard finishing*
15 x 30
20 x 20
20 x 30
20 x 40
30 x 30
30 x 60
40 x 40
40 x 60
25 x 50
50 x 50
60 x 60
06 to 10
10 to 15
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Floors in general for indoor or outdoor areas
Wall revetment for indoor or outdoor areas
Doorsills and Stairs

Green Slate SLABS Standard Sizes Standard finishing*
2,20 x 1,20 m

OBS: Other sizes are possible according to customer specifications
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Tabletops, sinks, countertops
Countertops for kitchens, laboratories and others
Partitions for bathrooms and others surroundings
Doorsills and Stairs
Fireplace revetment


Wales Slate TILES Standard Sizes Standard widths (mm) Standard finishing*
15 x 30
20 x 20
20 x 30
20 x 40
30 x 30
30 x 60
40 x 40
40 x 60
25 x 50
50 x 50
60 x 60
06 to 10
10 to 15
Anti slippery
Aged *
It can be calibrated or not
Applications Floors in general for indoor or outdoor areas
Wall revetment for indoor or outdoor areas
Doorsills and Stairs

Wales Slate SLABS Standard Sizes Standard finishing*
2,20 x 1,20 m

OBS: Other sizes are possible according to customer specifications
*It can be calibrated or not
Applications Tabletops, sinks, countertops
Countertops for kitchens, laboratories and others
Partitions for bathrooms and others surroundings
Doorsills and Stairs
Fireplace revetment
Observation It is characteristic of WALES slate to undergo color changes whenever exposed to the weather or when treated with products.


A refined and decorative product, slate allows for innumerous applications in the way of floor, wall and roof revetment and even as furniture.

Homes, offices and industries enjoy and approve of the ease and versatility in the use of this stone.

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